INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Milan 2017.03.28, "Dual Use and Export Compliance for AEO".

The 28th of March, 2017 was held in Milan, at the Workshop of 'Compagnia delle Opere' - CdO International, the study seminar devoted to in-depth studies on the subject matter of dual goods. Businesses who import and, above all, export, have to deal with the new Italian customs code that came into effect in May 2016 and with the risk of committing the recycling crime in cross-border transactions, not just in the case of c.d. But also where it produces goods destined to be exported from another person (in the case of goods subjected to customs surveillance or data management relating to such goods) in a sort of 'indirect' supply chain.
The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), according to the new Union and national rules, therefore becomes a subject which allows Customs to 'trust' their company and therefore, since it is legitimate to operate under 'customs simplification' '(Through process analysis, forecasting procedures to prevent risks, implementation of audits on internal compliance programs, etc.) and ex post controls, in the context of a wide disclosure with customs agency and monopoly And the MISE, which issues the Authorizations where necessary), to have no unnecessary blockages of customs goods, or pernicious sequestrations, administrative, civil and criminal proceedings, and even inclusion in the dozens of blacklists controlled by the authorities in Italy and Overseas, security of exports, entry, transit, brokering, re-export, even intra-community operations.
Indeed, among the novelties of the new European regulation, there are restrictions on technical assistance and training in export, as well as new technologies and software as substances subject to stringent Dual Use legislation.
By the way, the c.d. The ultimate criterion of US federal control seriously jeopardizes the free trade of goods and services, where Italian firms demonstrate that they are doing business with excessive lightness, that is, not taking due account of the importance of respecting US law.
For this purpose, the University named Politecnico of Turin is authorized to carry out preventive checks and inspections in the interest of exporting companies. Each company therefore has to know all restrictions on foreign trade and rely on qualified consultants.
For this reason, the EIFEC Director, Mr. Charles Giacoma, and Prof. Cristina Pessina, the Officier of the European Institute for Export Compliance in Brussels, both professional excellence with which Frattallone & Partners Law Firm (specialized with 110 cum laude in 'International Business Law' at the University of La Sapienza in Rome and expert in Export Controls) has the privilege of working in partnership. Legality and security in foreign trade. First of all.
(At the foot of the photo gallery of the event)
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Cdo International
with the participation of
And tax and corporate Deloitte Law Firm
In collaboration with Internazionalizza
Tuesday 28 March 2017 09:30 - 13:00
Headquarters Milano - Legnone Street 20, Milan
Dual Use Seminar and Export Compliance for A.E.O.
09:15 hrs accreditation
Opening hours: 09:30
Stefano Barbieri, CdO International,
Alessandro Pirani, internationalizing srl
09:50 hours
♦ Risk management and competitiveness in the international supply chain for AEOs in the customs field
♦ New on practical skills standards or professional qualifications.
Alessandra Di Salvo, Partner of the Tax Study and Corporate Deloitte
At 10:30
♦ New definition of exporter for customs purposes: transitional and regular regulation.
♦ Identifying dual products in customs compliance.
Giulia Persico, Director of the Tax Study and Corporate Deloitte
11:10 hours coffe break
11:30 hrs
♦ Dual Use and Export Controls: regulatory framework, restrictive measures and export control procedures.
Cristina Pessina, Export compliance officer, EIFEC, European Institute for Export Compliance, Brussels
At 11:50
♦ Export Control and its Solutions: Export Compliance.
♦ Export Compliance to protect the company's business operations.
Charles Giacoma, Director of EIFEC, European Institute for Export Compliance, Brussels
12:30 am Q & A, conclusions, networking with speakers.