The Lawyer Salvatore Frattallone LL.M. (short curriculum vitae)
- Supreme Court Lawyer and Legum Magister (LL.M. with praise)
- Specialized in International Business Law.
- Criminal Lawyer, who also carries out inquiries investigation to defence clients: expert in business international trade, privacy, computer forensics and healthcare responsibilities.
- Partner and co-founder of the forensic network "View net Legal" and Chairman of the board of directors. He is, infact, the head of the network of lawyers specializing in the various fields of law, who have their own independent law firms, rooted in Italian territory, and who cooperate synergistically with each other, with values and method of carrying out professional activity: independent lawyers network is activated only when it is needed.
- Born on June 1, 1963 in Padua, graduated from the "E. Curiel" High School in Padua.
- Graduated in Jurisprudence at the University of Padua (AA 1990 / '91, magistrale degree, thesis in criminal law: "The fraudulent conduct in the fake crime and the crime of fraud", Rel. Ch. Prof. Avv. Giuseppe Zuccalà).
- Since March 10, 1992, he is a member of the Bar Association of Padua since 25 October 1996.
- Lawyer at the Supreme Court of Cassation in Rome and the other Superior Magistrates from March 27, 2009.
- Enrolled in 1998 for office defenses in juvenile delinquency, ex DPR 488/88, which is included in the Office for Defense and Attorneys at the expense of the State under D.P.R. N ° 115/02.
- Honorary Magistrate in the three-year 1995/'97: Attorney-at-Law Attorney (P.M.) in the Procura of the Republic at the Court of Padua.
- Commander III Company 7th Btg. F. Cuneo of Udine, Ten. Infantry (135th course, A.U.C.S., Infantry School and Cavalry of Cesano of Rome, RM).
- She speaks, understands and writes Legal English.
- Master's degree in International Business Law: Master's degree at the University of La Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Law and Economics of Production Activities, A.A. 2014/2015), expert in international distribution agreements (thesis: "The clauses on stock fount in international sales concession contracts", discussed on 20.01.2016, rapporteurs Ch.mi Proff. Daniele Vattermoli and Vincenzo Caridi, voting Final: 110 with praise).
- President of the "Lagoon" District (Venice-Padua-Rovigo) of AEREC, the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations, Rome, the network that promotes business and promotes Italian value in international relations.
- Post-graduate specialization, ongoing: EU-wide Export Compliance Specialization Course 2016 - EU Universities Network for Export Compliance on Dual-Use Goods - coordinated by the University of Turin (Department of Management), Politecnico di Torino and EUNIFEC (Brussels - Belgium ).
- Degrees: Master of Level II in Law at the University of Padua (tuition in the form of law and criminal procedure).
Master of II Level in Systems and Technologies for Information and Communication Security, University of Perugia (Computer Crime and Privacy Module).
The Advanced Course in Private Investigation Science a.a. 2010/11, Faculty of Law, University of Molise (tutoring in privacy module and investigations). - Institutional commissions: component of the Privacy Committee for the "Code of Conduct and Good conduct to conduct Defensive Investigations and to Appeal or Defend a Judicial Right" ex artt. 12 and 135 D.L.vo n. 196/03, to the Data Protection Supervisor (Annex "A.6.").
- Member of the Commission for the Self-Determination Code of Judicial Attorney (at the Guarantee Commission for the Implementation of the Law on Strike in Essential Public Services)
- Head of the Secretariat of the President AIGA valter Militi (2006/2008) and then Head of the Criminal Department and Criminal Procedure of the Aiga Foundation "Tommaso Bucciarelli" and Director of Administration of the Aiga Foundation (2008/2011)
- Registered at the Penal Chamber of Padua "Francesco de Castello";
at the Lions Club "Padua San Pelagio" (Chairman of the Board 2016/2017 and 2017/2018);
a member of the "Ancient shooting in flight Club" (Parioli) in Rome,
at the "Tennis Club Padua 1917" Club in Padua and
at "Club 21 - Lodovico Molinari". - Author of books and numerous publications forensic and legal (in particular on anti-money laundering, defensive investigations on criminal trial, data protection and forensic deontology) and Rapporteur for many conferences, in the field of justice, in all the courts of Italy.
- Professional liability insurance policy: Allianz S.p.a. (South Pd Agency n ° 306) n ° 724130536, ceiling of € 1.500.000,00.
See also:
The View net Legal network:
The VnL project moves from the assertion that the free legal profession can be better practiced through structures that retain all their autonomy but are synergistically connected in the best interests of the customer's satisfaction.
To this end, each Studio is organized on a network and in full autonomy it is coordinated with that of the other Partners.
The experience teaches, Lawyers are not all the same.
We are a network of Legal Studies that have in common ethical, professional, quality and working methods, and who share the focus of attention with the customer's problems, to whom we offer "integrated" and multidisciplinary care and advice throughout Italy And abroad.
The network, born from a happy insight of a pool of Lawyers, including the On. Prof. Michele Vietti, is a network of exchange and professional collaboration. But it is also a privileged opportunity to make the most of the synergy between Legal Studies of Partners that are Network Members.
Flexible, autonomous and dynamic structuring.
ViewNet Legal constitutes the evolution of the traditional law firm model: we are not an association between single professionals or a s.t.p., but the associative partnership between the various Independent Studies, without expanding their organizations, employs talents and potentialities.
Intuitus personae and trust, the tracks of our professional action.
Today's reality is too complicated to be systematically dealt with only by a generalist lawyer, a "tuttologist". To address the issues brought to the attention of our studies, often very articulated, serves a multidisciplinary approach.
High level of competence and integration resulting from the partnership.
We want to break down the "response time" to the demand for justice and increase the likelihood that the proposed solutions will meet Customer's actual satisfaction.
We believe that the daily use of telematic links and other technologically advanced resources, which are part of the digital era, will create the conditions for conferring on Network Partners a suitable implementation.
Experience, tradition and professional passion distinguish members of the VnL network.
We have chosen to include among the Partners also Legal Studies rooted in areas already belonging to the detached sections and tribunals subject to the review of judicial geography, in order to stimulate its "value" and to pay particular attention to the productive realities that insist in the various territories: Judicial sites, VnL is designed in proportion to the size of each forum, to facilitate the relationship with the Customer.
Thanks to the ductile model chosen, the VnL network aspires to offer Clients of Individual Legal Studies reliability, reliability and experience, combine with flexibility and innovation, trying to contain the burden of legal costs: each customer relies on the trusted professional , Since we hold to the direct and special relationship with the Reference Study.
The VnL network partners can easily confront, with equal dignity, their competitors.
With large professional associations and structured studies on the Anglo-American model, we share the contextualization of professional know-how, without undermining the known management difficulties and trying to avoid the costs of professional integration ending with falling on the customer.
The brand View net Legal© - Integration of legal knowledge, innovation and expertise.
How to recognize the various components of the Alliance? The tool designed to achieve the goal is the VnL registered trademark, which distinguishes each Partner and is visible in correspondence, court proceedings, publications, and their respective websites.
In View Net Legal, the logic of aggregation, respecting the autonomy of each lawyer, facilitates a proactive, functional approach to the customer's concrete needs.