The Frattallone & Partners Law Firm
We provide Customers, in Italy and Abroad, legal services related to:
- Advice in the field of international trade
- Company law and credit protection;
- Privacy and data protection;
- Authorized Private investigations;
- Protection of family interests;
- Defense, legality and legitimacy, offenders, investigators / defendants, civil law enforcement agencies and / or ex D.L.vo n. 231/01);
- Contractual Assistance;
- Health responsibility.
- In other areas of law, we use the multifaceted professionalism of the excellent partners of "View net Legal" network, which have consolidated specialist experiences. This synergy is the true strength of our Studio: so, only when it is needed, the Customer can make use of this qualified knowledge and expertise without having to bear any more costs.
We work seamlessly with other experts to provide full fledged services to our clients. On import and export consultancy, we help in foreign trade matters our domestic and foreign clients in catering their business requirements, following the customer in foreign operations, from international trade negotiations, arranging meetings with importers, exporters & government bodies, till drafting of agreements and incorporation and registrations. We are dealing with export controls and export compliance, to comply with the legal regulations on dual goods and services law. Cause of Italian and European laws, that are very difficult to understand for a foreign company, there're sometimes troubles and complex legal issues: we help companies overcome these legal problems, providing full fledged services to our clients, from litigation support to judiciary representation.
At the beginning of each service we always agree with the Client for the professional compensation, opting for the solution best suited to the particulars of the case. Professional performance is subject to periodic reporting. The fee can also be paid by credit card.
«The stronger will be the training, the higher the probability of success.»
Mr. Salvatore Frattallone

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On June 23, 2017, at 14:00 hrs, at the Conference Room of the Chamber of Deputies - Hall of the Parliamentary Groups, Rome, Via di Campo Marzio No. 78, during the Academy Day Conference organized by AEREC - European Academy for The Economic and Cultural Relations, will be attended by Attorney Salvatore Frattallone LL.M., concerning the matter of International Business Law, of which he is a specialist and so named:
♦ "International Trade towards Embassy or Restricted Countries - Dual-Use & Export Compliance".
The Rapporteur is Academician AEREC and is the President of the 'Lagunare' District which operates in the provinces of Venice, Padua and Rovigo to promote the internationalization business for Northeast businesses.
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